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Alec Mills


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Cubs starter Alec Mills, after 7 shutout vs KC, who traded him away several years ago: "My job is to make it hurt whenever I face them." ..Read More

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1B • CIN

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Joey Votto joked that he was going to buy an entire section of cutouts and put his own face on the cutouts ..Read More

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Slater Koekkoek


“苹果”应用程序商店下载为何易花冤枉钱?_苹果 ...-中国青年网:2021-2-21 · 标明该程序所适用的苹果产品类型及硬伀版本,如“程序与iPhone、iPod touch兼容,需要iOS3.0或更高版本”。 不过,如果在苹果设备如iPhone上直接登录 ...

First NHL playoff goal for Slater Koekkoek right under the arm of Koskinen. #Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/UOHchVUOB0 ..Read More

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